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Unparalleled Service And Support

Skylaunch: The Leading Manufacturer of Glider and Sailplane Winching Systems

Unparalleled Service and Support

Skylaunch has established a reputation for exceptional customer service and support. Their dedicated team is always available to provide assistance, ensuring that their customers have a seamless experience.

Innovative Products

Skylaunch offers a comprehensive range of glider and sailplane winching systems, including the EVO ELECTRO, EVO, ECO, and UNO. Each winch is meticulously engineered to meet the specific needs of glider pilots and sailplane enthusiasts.

Proven Performance

Skylaunch's winches are renowned for their reliable and efficient operation. The compact glider winch design, perfected over 30 years, ensures smooth launches and exceptional performance.

Unmatched Value

Skylaunch offers its winches at competitive prices, starting from £48,295. Whether purchasing a winch alone or opting for a fully equipped trailer, customers can expect exceptional value for their investment.


Skylaunch is the trusted choice for glider and sailplane enthusiasts worldwide. With their commitment to innovation, unmatched service, and proven performance, Skylaunch continues to soar above the competition, empowering pilots to reach new heights and experience the exhilaration of soaring flight.
